Friday, August 17, 2007


"Is it possible to live surrendering to the reality of insecurity, embracing it, allowing it to open us and transform us and be our teacher?" ~ Eve Ensler, Insecure at Last: Losing It in Our Security Obsessed World

This quote/question points out the fallacy of security, despite all our efforts in building a career, a marriage, a life that is "secure." Companies are bought out or downsized; jobs are lost; heads roll, even at the top; wives cheat; husbands die of sudden heart attacks; our children get leukemia or become drug addicts; adolescent girls get pregnant; our country is attacked; the economy spirals downward. The frequently crippling need to create security is born of the very basic fact, which we are taught to deny, that there is, in truth, no such way of being. The acceptance of this truth and the fact that we don't know and can't control what happens next can transform our lives and not just because we are facing our fears and demons, but because we are living in the Now with awareness rather than raging against it with all of our might. We can let go of our security blanket and venture away from mommy, not knowing if we're going to fall down but accepting that falling would be every bit as meaningful, and every bit as necessary, as sitting comfortably in her lap. It could be argued that surrendering to the reality of insecurity can make one feel, paradoxically, less insecure.

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